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Limited Time Offer!

Interactive Workshop for Ambitious Network Marketing Leaders and Emerging Leaders Reveals…

The 5 Steps Top Leaders Are Using To Launch Profitable TikTok Accounts - In Just A Single Afternoon

Hosted By Mike Gostola, Carla Shaw & Shannon Boyle

Top Leaders & Founders of RockTheTok Academy

In this step-by-step, easy-to-follow and implement training...

Mike, Carla & Shannon will teach you the exact 5 steps they have used to help dozens of Top Leaders launch profitable TikTok accounts and even create product shortages.

Here’s a quick breakdown of what you’ll get:

  • The account type top leaders are using to get millions of fresh new eyeballs on their videos daily

  • Looking for the fastest and most effective way to set-up your perfect bio so you can attract a ready-to-buy audience? No problem, you’ll get that at minute 13:49 (you’ll be amazed at how simple this is)

  • Not sure about what to even say in a TikTok?  We’ll show you how to find TikTok content in less than 5 min so you can effortlessly create all your content for the week and build instant credibility.

  • Want to learn the secret to getting your videos out quickly and easily?  We’ll show you how to make a TikTok using our 3 signs viral video formula (no dancing or speaking required). Once you’ve discovered this proven formula, you’re going to finally get click & buy sales from perfect strangers without having to hunt down friends and family. 

This training will be game-changing for you, EVEN IF… you have NEVER done a TikTok in your life… and the thought of getting on camera and being seen on TikTok scares the living daylights out of you. 

Network marketing leaders Mike, Carla & Shannon have you covered and will give you EVERYTHING you need to confidently launch a profitable TikTok account in just one afternoon.

Why Is TikTok The HOTTEST Platform For Social Sellers?

Check This out...

Just ONE simple 7-second TikTok could be significantly more effective than 1000 cold calls, messages, FB, or IG posts despite taking a fraction of the time.

Full confession… we used to think TT was a "ridiculous app" that was just full of weird sh!t for teens or people who loved to dance. 

What we discovered was that once you get the algorithm to work in your favor... it's a Social Seller's dream come true and you can have sales rollin’ in while you sleep.

We know this because it's propelled us to the top 1% of our company…

Before TikTok, we were stuck grinding it out in our business.

Mike & Carla were on a money-sucking hamster wheel dumping thousands of dollars a month into Facebook ads to generate fresh leads (trying to get out of the friends and family zone) all to be stuck at mid-ranks. 

And for Shannon, despite all the same effort that got her to a leadership rank, it was feeling harder, taking longer. In Aug 2022, Shannon had her first ever month of zero enrollments and started to not enjoy her business anymore, her team was losing energy, and old money worries started creeping back in. 

We all knew something had to change. 

Fast forward over a year and by applying our marketing and sales skills, testing everything, discarding what doesn’t work, and keeping only what does we’ve come up with a proven blueprint for how to strategically plug into TikTok.

Today, our team and students are exceeding their goals, with some going from zero enrollments to hundreds in a month. They're earning incentive trips and unlocking top compensation levels, and we've even caused company-wide product shortages.

We don’t want any of our smart NWM friends stuck trying to figure out the inner workings of TikTok. It can be a confusing, frustrating time suck, so for a limited time, we’re going to show you how you can set up a profitable TikTok account like us and our students.

>>> Yes, This is exaclty what I need. Sign me up now!

The TikTok algorithm may allow you a moment in the spotlight, but a strong foundation will keep you there.

In just 90 minutes, you'll unlock all the steps to Launch a profitable TikTok account.

Inside The 90 Minute Interactive Workshop

Here's exactly what you'll learn

Step 1: Setting Up The Perfect Bio

90% of NWM's are confusing their audience on TikTok, keeping them stuck, confused and without sales. 

We're going to dial in your clarity and show you how to pick a niche that jives with your product/service.

Then we’ll dive into the essential elements you need in your bio to leverage TikTok’s powerful search engine and call in your ideal prospects.

Plus, we’ll show you to avoid the biggest mistake we made when setting up our Bio that ended up costing us hundreds of leads and so much frustration.

Step 2: Effortless Content Creation.

Not sure about what to even say in a TikTok?  We’ll show you how to find TikTok content in less than

5 min so you can effortlessly create all your content for the week and build instant credibility. This will work for all your other social platforms too - how's that for time saving? And you can tap into our 4 little-known sources for viral content.

Step 3: Simple Formulas That Attract Your Perfect Prospects

Get Shannon’s viral video formula that she and Mike used to get a combined 2.8 M views, 44K likes, 4,247 comments, 4,758 saves, 13.4K shares, and hundreds of sales. We’ll make this TikTok during the training. 

Learn what to NEVER say in the first second of your TT’s. 95% of network marketers are saying this and it’s causing their videos to go nowhere. 

Use our ice cream sandwich method to keep your prospects tuned in and to give your TT’s extra reach.

Plus, get the best video length to strive for (especially if you are new to TikTok or getting little results)

Step 4: Five Video Styles To Keep Your Audience Hooked

Learn the three specific types of videos that your prospects will LOVE and make them want to buy from you. These are dead simple to make & take less than 10 min from start to finish.

Want to boost your credibility from the get-go? This video is the “secret weapon” of many TOP leaders.

Plus, get your hands on the video that will boost your content shelf-life, ensuring your videos live on long after you publish them (we're talking months).

Step 5: Amplify!

Now that you have your TikTok foundation, you'll see how you can effortlessly distribute your TikTok’s across multiple social platforms, so you can maximize your reach, attract another hot new audience, and crank up your lead flow. 

Plus, learn what top earner Heather Summers did to revive her Facebook account and go from 52 followers to over 62K Followers in just a few months.

>>> Yes, This is exactly what I need. Sign me up now!

To Help You Crush It

You're Also Getting These Free Gifts

Gift 1:
Digital Workbook With Formulas & TikTok Video Checklist

Don’t skip a beat or worry about missing a critical step with this handy workbook and video checklist at your side.

Clarity and organization BREED confidence. Show up boldly AND unleash your message, so you can crush it in your business!

Gift 2:
TikTok Daily Method of Operation (DMO)

TikTok is brilliantly simple. This can feel hard when you’re conditioned to think that to crush it, you have to hustle and work around the clock. That’s why we’ll give you a bulletproof DMO to keep you from making it hard and overcomplicating it.

Gift 3:
The Simple TikTok Video That Pulls In Automatic Leads & Sales Without Talking

It’s weird... but it WORKS! Get the video type and instructions that our student Bryan Akers used to get 264 customers in one month on auto-pilot. 

Gift 4:
Interview With Network Marketing Leaders

Wondering how our top performing students got started, what they talk about on TikTok and how they are getting more leads in less time? They are spilling the tea for you! 

Gift 5:
Over-the-Shoulder guided TikTok reviews aka The Hot Seat

During this bonus video training, Mike & Shannon review and critique 3 of our students' TikTok videos and bios. Watch as Mike & Shannon share valuable insight and simple tricks to take TikTok video's and bios from basic to rock star!

What our students have said about our programs...

Here’s A Recap Of EVERYTHING You’ll Get When You Get The Workshop Today!

On-demand Recording: The 5 Steps Top Leaders Are Using To Launch PROFITABLE TikTok Accounts - In Just A Single Afternoon (value $749)

On-going Access: We don’t give you the boot! You get to keep your access to this course, so you can watch the training from anywhere at any time (value $197)

Gift 1: Step-by-step Workbook with Shannon’s 3 Signs Viral Video Formula and a TikTok video checklist (value $267)

Gift 2: TikTok Daily Method of Operation (value $47)

Gift 3: Interview with Bryan Atkers: The Simple TikTok Video That Pulls In Automatic Leads & Sales Without Talking (value $97)

Gift 4: Interview with four of our TOP performing students (value $167)

Gift 5: Over-the-shoulder TikTok video and bio hot seat reviews (value $267)

Total Value: $1,556

Normal Price: $497

Limited Time Offer:
Get immediate access for one easy payment of $97

Frequently Asked Questions:

  • I already have a basic understanding of TikTok will this still help me? Absolutely, this will help you up-level your foundation and create TikTok's in a fraction of the time it typically takes.

  • I am brand new to network marketing. Will this help me? Yes! This training will help you if you are just starting out or if you're at top leader looking for a new channel to build on.

  • How long will this take to implement? This is a 90 minute recorded session, and we will email it to you the same day. When you watch the session, we recommend taking action and implementing as you learn. This way when you finish you'll have your Bio created and at least one TikTok.

Copyright 2024 Mike Gostola, Carla Shaw & Shannon Boyle - All Rights Reserved